Sunday, March 10, 2013

The humor in a simple name

Ever since we arrived in Taiwan we've all been amazed at the amount of enjoyment and humor that can come from something as simple as a name. For example, if you own a jewelry store your Rotary name would be "Watch" or "Gold" or if you work as an investment banker you may be called "Finance". These are more than just nicknames, they are actual titles that they use in Rotary meetings and put them on their business cards. It's a way to communicate the services that one provides and simultaneously have some fun with the English language. Some of our favorites thus far include: Lazer, Steel, Shooting and Polygamy. ok I made that last one up. As for our names there has been a steady progression of what we thought our names were to what they actually are here. Jonathan became Jonason which became Johnson which became Hairy Johnson (probably related to the amount of arm hair I have compared to the average Taiwanese man). Anthony became Ansony. Beau became Bueller, as in Ferris, Francie became Francis and George became Georgie! We've managed to learn how to introduce ourselves in Jon Wein which means "Chinese". Each time we introduce ourselves I feel like they look at us like we're saying "Me Tarzan. You Jane" Another note on Jon Wein before I sign off. Our Chinese is so limited at this point that we feel a great sense of satisfaction when we correctly say, "Wo Jon Wein, Ydien dien". What we mean to say is that we only know a little bit of Chinese. But what is sounds like to me is that we're telling them that our John Wayne is very, very small and I can only imagine how funny that sounds to them. Always puts a smile on my face. Simple things that entertain you while travelling abroad really make life interesting. Even the simplest things, like saying your name can end up being one of those humorous moments that puts everything back into perspective. Johnson, Hairy Johnson

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