Sunday, March 17, 2013


So everybody knows that Karaoke is THE thing to do out here for fun. There are signs all over the place for KTV which indicates that it's a Karaoke bar. You go in, get a private room and hang out with your friends and sing! What could be more fun? Now what everybody may not know is that at almost every restaurant we've been to there is a t.v, microphone and book of songs ready to be selected and butchered at the drop of a dime. Ok, maybe not everyone is doing the butchering but I sure am. And another thing you may not have known is that these large tourist buses cruising around the countryside are well equipped as well. It has almost become the norm for a sing along to break out on our way home, or to breakfast or anywhere for that matter. Performance of the year definitely goes to Ansony for his version of "My Girl". So one last thought before I sign off for the last time on this blog. It is common knowledge that people tend to "fudge" some lyrics when singing along to their favorite songs. Well, here they love The Eagles "Hotel California". My favorite line so far, and yes we have heard multiple people say this lyric, is....."Mirrors on the ceiling....Pink champagne and rice". Classic

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear all of your stories, I'm sure the blog is just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully there are some great karaoke videos as well. I think the impromptu bus versions were my favorite. Enjoy your little bit of remaining time.
